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5 Best Practices for Twitter Video Marketing

Contrary to what many people think, Twitter is a goldmine for videos. As s marketer, you are loosing out if you’re not exploring this platform for your videos because apparently, tweets with videos attract 10X more engagement than tweets without.

Let’s look at the best practices for video marketing on Twitter

Consider your target audience

Look at needs:

What is my audience concerned about?


What’s my audience talking about?

Any video that is not relevant in at least one of those respects is dead on arrival. Therefore, before the questions above, you must also ask yourself, ‘who is my audience?’

Only when these factors are clear can you make a video that will appeal to people the right way.

Keep videos short and direct

Communicate your message as soon as possible. Passing a message within the first three sentences can impact overall breakthrough metrics by 13%. Also, Twitter recommends keeping messages below 15 seconds.

Include product and people

It is very important to display human connection and evoke emotions in advertising. Help your audience connect the dots. According to Twitter, videos that show a positive human interaction or human desire for a product record a 40% increase in the overall response.

Use visual cues

Every element in the video should reinforce the message you are trying to pass across. Hence, even the tiniest details must be products of deliberate choice. More so, display aspects such as colour, typography, graphics, etc.

Display your branding element as early as possible in the video. In addition, displaying your brand for more than half of the video could result in a 25% increase in brand recall and a 21 per cent increase in message recall.

Keep tweet copy concise

A 280-character limit for tweet copy accompanies the 280-second limit for videos. However, you need to pick which to emphasize. And if you are sharing a video, there is no need for a lengthy piece. The tweet copy should only be used to call the viewer’s attention to the video or to call the viewer to take an action.

If videos haven’t featured in your Twitter marketing strategy in the past, then it is time to make a change. Don’t forget to set clear metrics ahead to measure the effectiveness of your efforts.

Read the original article here


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