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7 Top CSS Inline Editor Tools for Email To Try Out Today

Email client vendors haven’t been as progressive as web browser vendors in adopting new standards.

Some managers mistakenly believe that sending bulk emails is nothing but a scaled-up version of sending regular emails. These services like Gmail and Outlook have a set limit of 500 daily recipients, and they’d consider you a spammer if you sent more than that.

For this reason, you need a bulk email service provider. You could send out simple text emails; however, they really don’t stand out. If you want your emails to match your branding, you need to use HTML templates. These are hard to build and can be challenging even for a seasoned developer.

However, there are now quite a few tools that can help you with your HTML email development, and some of these assist with CSS inline editing:

  1. The Influencer Marketing Hub Website HTML to email HTML Converter Tool

  2. Mailchimp CSS Inliner Tool

  3. Putsmail CSS Inliner

  4. Campaign Monitor CSS Inliner

  5. Premailer

  6. HTML Email responsive Email CSS Inliner

  7. Litmus Builder

Why Can HTML Emails Be Complex to Handle?

Before Google Chrome reigned in the world of internet browsers, there was a constant battle between Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Since the introduction of HTML5 and CSS 3, relative harmony has existed in web programming, with clear standards across all competing browsers.

Unfortunately, the major email clients have not developed so cleanly. While most web browsers now consistently apply HTML and CSS standards, email clients like Gmail, Outlook, and the others do not. Before Outlook 2007, they used Internet Explorer to display HTML emails. But at that point, Microsoft decided to use Microsoft Word to render HTML emails (and indeed HTML code across all its Windows Desktop apps). Microsoft still displays HTML across its app this way, which lacks much of the compatibility a browser would.

This highlights the problem clearly. Sending an email in HTML is much more complicated than a mere text-based email. You have to ensure that it functions in at least four or five major web browsers and 12-15 different email clients (all of whom have their own way of rendering HTML emails).

And of course, most of these web browsers and email clients have been on the market for many iterations. Companies rarely start developing each version from scratch; they simply make modifications to the previous version. Therefore, this lack of consistent interpretation is getting worse over time, making developers' lives more difficult.

Read the original article with an infographic here


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