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LinkedIn Publishes New Guide on Effective Brand Building Strategies

Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

LinkedIn wants to help companies achieve their brand-building goals on the platform in the long term. That's why the business network has now published a new guide with numerous tips.

Guide: Four steps to brand building on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not only ideal for personal branding but can also help B2B brands establish their brand. In the guide, the business network provides insights into various statistics. These make clear how important far-reaching investments in a good brand-building strategy are nowadays. On the other hand, LinkedIn also gives practical tips on how brand marketing can work on the platform.


The focus in the pocket guide is - as mentioned - on B2B companies. However, the advice given by the business network is universally applicable. This means that other companies can also use the basics for their brand-building strategy.


The tips presented here summarise in a clear and comprehensible way what is important when setting up a brand-building strategy with the help of LinkedIn.

Read the German adaptation here

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