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Network maintenance on social media is booming

The following article appeared originally in German on the following website:

According to the current Net-Metrix-Base study, around one million people in Switzerland use social networks for professional purposes - a quarter more than a year ago.

The use of social networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn by Swiss Internet users has increased from 58 percent last year to 60.6 percent. According to the current Net-Metrix-Base study, 3.7 million people in Switzerland use such platforms.

According to the study, the vast majority (69.7 percent) log on to social networks daily or almost daily, some even several times a day (42.2 percent). Most social network users spend their time on these platforms for private purposes, reading and looking at other people's profiles and contributions (74.3 percent) and sending and receiving personal messages (68.5 percent). Commenting or liking posts is also very popular (62.8 percent).

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Social networks are used by 27.9 percent of internet users, but also for professional purposes. Although this is still a minority, the trend is growing steadily. The professional use of social networks even experienced a boom last year with an increase of 25 percent from 836,000 to more than one million users, according to the study. These users were mainly interested in profiles and posts from groups or organizations (61.8 percent), followed by profiles and posts from other people (57.3 percent).

The smartphone remains the preferred device for social networking. The vast majority of social network users access these platforms using a smartphone (78.7 percent), followed by laptops or desktops (57.5 percent) and tablets (34.2 percent). Far behind them are Internet-capable TV sets or smart TVs, which only 2.5 percent of users occasionally use to surf social networks. (pd/wid)

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