Delivering the right content, is more about delivering the right kind of content to your clients. Videos seem to be the latest trend, but do you know how a short video vs. a long video influences your audience? Your client base may be looking to your competitors because they provide tips using short videos rather than long ones. Other audiences prefer written content. By studying the amount of time they have can assist you in figuring out the length of your blog posts. Maybe, in fact, they need a case study that digs into the process and results.
Take your time to read through this guide to consider alternatives to your content marketing plan:
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Die besten Kampagnen sind die, die von der Zielgruppe selbst entwickelt werden. Sie erzielen bis zu vier Mal bessere Resultate.
Dafür hat business campaigning GmbH das Target Community Lab™ entwickelt, ein spezielles Workshop-Design, das schon seit 15 Jahren Laien befähigt, Kampagnen-Konzepte zu entwickeln. Zum Beispiel die Kampagne für den Schweizer Kinohit «Mein Name ist Eugen».
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