What are you working on right now? Is it something that you have to do, or something you want to do? Most of the time, we focus on the easiest tasks that have very little impact on our business goals. By following the tips in this article, you will discover how to consolidate your tasks into a single source, and use different prioritization methods to focus on the most important task of the day. The goal is to feel accomplished, and that you have moved the needle on your long list of to-do’s!
Here's a link to the full article: https://zapier.com/blog/prioritize-task-list-methods/
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Die besten Kampagnen sind die, die von der Zielgruppe selbst entwickelt werden. Sie erzielen bis zu vier Mal bessere Resultate.
Dafür hat business campaigning GmbH das Target Community Lab™ entwickelt, ein spezielles Workshop-Design, das schon seit 15 Jahren Laien befähigt, Kampagnen-Konzepte zu entwickeln. Zum Beispiel die Kampagne für den Schweizer Kinohit «Mein Name ist Eugen».
Bei Interesse: info@businesscampaigning.com