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The secret of strategic planning

This great caricature gets to the heart of what happens in too many companies: You just do things without questioning them, you think instrumentally but not strategically, you do not ask yourself why something should be done, or how to derive the measures from superordinate goals. Only after acting you decide whether a certain idea is the right one for a certain measure. Basically, you choose the tactic over the strategy, which you should never do.

This overhaste can keep you busy but it can also distract you from what may actually be most important for reaching your goal. Namely, following a strategy.

Do you know this situation too well but don’t know how to get out of it?

The good news is that there is a solution for it. You can purchase Peter Metzinger’s books containing everything you need to know about strategic planning or turn to him (business campaigning) directly. Along the business campaigning® model, business campaigning works with you to develop strategies and concepts for effective campaigns. The model contains the four layers of planning, a tool that helps translate a vision of strategic goals and project planning into concrete actions.

In the end it is as simple as that: Why – what – who – with what – where – about what – how – with whom – with what else. But that’s material for another post.

Here is a link to Peter Metzinger’s books: Business Campaigning for the German speakers ( and The AC/DC Strategy for the English speakers (

marketing predictions by Tom Fishburne

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Die besten Kampagnen sind die, die von der Zielgruppe selbst entwickelt werden. Sie erzielen bis zu vier Mal bessere Resultate.

Dafür hat business campaigning GmbH das Target Community Lab™ entwickelt, ein spezielles Workshop-Design, das schon seit 15 Jahren Laien befähigt, Kampagnen-Konzepte zu entwickeln. Zum Beispiel die Kampagne für den Schweizer Kinohit «Mein Name ist Eugen».

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