In yesterday’s blog you learned about the benefits of re-sending an email. In the best case, sending a follow-up email can significantly increase the open rates and multiply the clicks on the call-to-action. While this is one possible solution to the problem of forgotten emails, we haven’t yet discussed the potential source of the problem. According to ActiveCampaign, an average worker spends 28%, so approximately 11 hours of the work week on reading emails. Not surprisingly, emails are often ignored, archived or, in the worst case, deleted.
So how can we convince our target community that OUR email is worth opening? By catching their attention through an interesting subject line. Finding a subject line that sticks out of the 100 emails that come in everyday can, however, be a challenge. That’s why ActiveCampaign has invented an automated Subject Line Generator. With the help of keywords the generator produces subject lines that make it easier for marketers to engage and build strong connections to their community. It has never been that easy to make people enough curious they can’t not click.
Check out this blog and create your catchy subject line now:
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