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What the Future of Automation Looks Like

Combined with robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI), automation takes care of the mundane tasks we'd rather not spend time on, the work we don't want to mess up with human error, customer interactions that require instant responses and so much more.

Here's what the future of automation looks like — and how your company can start getting ahead right now.

10 Automation Trends to Watch for in 2022

Combined with robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI), automation takes care of the mundane tasks we'd rather not spend time on, the work we don't want to mess up with human error, customer interactions that require instant responses and so much more.

Here's what the future of automation looks like — and how your company can start getting ahead right now.

10 Automation Trends to Watch for in 2022

1. Automating High-Quality Experiences

2. Marketing, Sales, and Success Alignment

3. Automation as a Vital Part of CRMs

4. Automation for Greater Personalization

5. AI Will Become Easier to Deploy

6. Business Chatbots as Full-Time Agents

7. AI for Automated Decision-Making

8. Automating Data Collection and Reporting

9. Automation Across a Company's App Stack

10. RPA Helping Businesses Become More Productive

Is automation changing work as we know it?

The short answer is yes. Between 400 million and 800 million individuals could be displaced by automation and need to find new jobs by 2030 around the world, but economic growth, rising productivity, and other forces could more than offset the losses, according to a report by McKinsey Global Institute.

The role of automation is to take care of the tasks that machines can do better than us — and at least for the near future, this doesn't include creativity, management, or friendly 1-1 human interaction.

When we automate our business processes, we don't have to lose the human sides of marketing, sales, service, and management — it can free up more time for them.

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