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What you need to know about Facebook Stories

This article provides a step by step instruction on how to setup Facebook to use the new stories feature.

If you have experience with Snapchat or Instagram, you should have no problem with the Facebook version. One advantage to using stories is the ability to switch between back and front camera during recording. Facebook has also invested a lot in the AR platform, so there are a ton more filters available to use. Similar to snapchat, stories remain visible for 24 hours and then disappear, and Facebook has built in analytics so you can determine the traffic of your audience. While it is possible to share Instagram stories on Facebook, be careful to not feed identical content on all social media platforms.

German residents have been slow to adopt the Facebook Stories feature, and it has been proven that the feature will be around for some time, so if you are looking for a way to get more attention after exhausting your organic reach, continue reading:

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