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Move over humans, computer generated influencers are taking over, but will they gain our trust?

Influencer marketing is a collaboration used by celebrities and brands to drive engagement. The more in-demand the celebrity, the higher the pay, the greater the return. As brands are looking to cut their costs, one way to effectively maintain the same level of engagement is to use computer generated influencers. They are complete with a personality, emotions, friends and a lifestyle that mimics their target audience. While it makes sense, the question remains, can we trust a robot? Read this article to form an educated opinion, you may be surprised at what you find!


Die besten Kampagnen sind die, die von der Zielgruppe selbst entwickelt werden. Sie erzielen bis zu vier Mal bessere Resultate.

Dafür hat business campaigning GmbH das Target Community Lab™ entwickelt, ein spezielles Workshop-Design, das schon seit 15 Jahren Laien befähigt, Kampagnen-Konzepte zu entwickeln. Zum Beispiel die Kampagne für den Schweizer Kinohit «Mein Name ist Eugen».

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